Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Boom Cranes

Now I've got my own boom crane photos. In my remedies class last winter, we had two cases involving boom cranes. I had to use other people's pictures for my illustrated summary. There's the British case: Woolerton and Wilson Ltd v Richard Costain Ltd [1970] 1 WLR 411 (Ch.) And in Canada: Lewvest Ltd. v. Scotia Towers (1981), 126 D.L.R. (3d) 239 (NF SC) Main point? If a boom crane swings over your land without your permission, you can sue in trespass for a nice chunk of change, maybe up to what it would cost the builders to do their building without using the crane. Of course, with my class line-up for the fall, I should be taking pictures of women, children, families and various businesses. Maybe I'll look through someone's non-illustrated family law summary and see what the cases are about.

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