Monday, September 26, 2005

A Hipster for the Harvester

I've decided to award the prize in the photo identification contest.

Bat Boy gave me a link to the site of a guy with a boat who identified the photo as a weed harvester. While to me, that site didn't qualify as "verification", just telling me it was a "weed harvester" was enough to let me google that and link to an official weed harvester site with pictures of identical looking machines. I have to admit that giving me a phrase I can Google is pretty much an easy reference to verify. Rabid Raver has also qualified for a tricked-out hipster by giving all the details about the specific weeds being harvested and why they're not being killed with chemicals. 5th Muse will get one too because I happened to have three already made hipster base stations. Even though her information is not easy for me to verify. The Other Dave can have an empty pill bottle if he wants one.

In case you're wondering, here's what comes with one of my tricked-out Hipster PDAs:

  • Cover page,
  • "Things to do when you’re bored" card,
  • "Are you out of your mind" card,
  • "Beam me up, Scotty" card,
  • Post-it stack,
  • Evidence bags,
  • Coloured blanks,
  • White blanks, and
  • an elegant hand-bent base station


  1. Um, Dude, I thought a hipster was a gun. What the #@# do I want with a bunch of cards. Not cool man.

  2. Oh, stop it, RR, or I'll out you. We both know that you love the Hipster PDA.

  3. Bud, I'm not gay.

  4. Now, now, RR, there are probably some people out there reading your little in-jokes who think you're some 16-year-old idiot.


If you don't have a Google account, please give a nickname and feel free to give the link to your blog or website. You can use the "a href" and "/a" HTML tags if you know how.