Monday, January 30, 2006

Coins, Yoga Mats and Paderno Follow-up

A gift that keeps on giving

Dave T and his Coins

Dave T has a degree in economics. He follows the stock market and invests (often wisely). He advises a multi-billion dollar corporation on economic and financial matters. And at the end of every day he drops the change from his pockets into a plastic container where it accumulates year after year, earning no interest, purchasing no assets.

Two years ago around Christmas time he decided he should really do something with the coins. He poured them into two large coffee cans, bought a cheap coin sorter, picked up a sack of coin wrappers and gave them to his nine-year-old niece for Christmas.

It turned out to be a huge hit. His niece and his mom had a blast sorting and rolling the coins and she wound up with almost $300.

Yesterday, Dave went off to her birthday party with two years worth of coins. It won't be as much as the last time, but it looks to me like there's a tidy sum inside that ice cream container.

Over-priced mat

Yoga Mats

Some of you women reading this blog might not have started going to yoga. This means that you are thinking about going to yoga. Apparently one thing you will need is your own yoga mat. I see this morning that Canadian Tire has one with a case for $20. [link]

I have an idea that will save you money. Yesterday at Home Depot, I spotted a good heavy duty padding for $0.75 a square foot. A 2'x6' piece would cost you only $9.


Paderno Follow-up

Paderno pot with corkI received a reply to my letter to Paderno this morning:

Hello David and thanks for your e-mail. Thanks for the neat idea, I am forwarding your e-mail along to promotions. There would be a few corks around that festival. Kindest Regards, Nancy Drew Public Relations Padinox Inc. 1-800-263-9768

I sent a reply asking Ms Drew to keep me posted. You'll be happy to know that I didn't make any jokes about her name (e.g. "Do you have trouble getting people to go on vacation with you?", or a reference to this.)


  1. I toss my change into a series of containers, some of which are EXACTLY IDENTICAL to Dave's! I roll it up about once a year (except for the nickels, dimes and pennies - those containers are overflowing) and cash it in...usually to the tune of about $700.

    I'm not as nice as Dave though. I don't give it away.

  2. My father collects all his coins in several jars in his cupboard and we have a ritual once every two years too, to sort them out and decide what to do with them! It's a whole lot of fun.

    And, Nancy Drew....?
    (here's when i'd write in italics if i knew how to).
    And your joke example made me guffaw loudly. I actually turned around to see if I'd woken up my parents and if they come to see what was going on.
    Gee, thanks!

  3. We used to save our change in a jar until we were burgled the second time and the jar was again one of the things stolen. We just gave up after that.

  4. My mother called me yesterday to tell me that it came to $178.98 in coins. For three years worth of quarters, dimes, nickels, and pennies, not a bad haul. Doing the financial math, it amounts to the same rate of return one would get on a three-year GIC worth $2,000. Makes me ponder that I need to re-think some of my investment strategies.

  5. I'm starting to feel like some kind of weirdo for just keeping my change in my pocket and using it as I buy things.

    No wonder I never go to Vancouver

  6. I'm with you Scrim. Also, I can't walk three blocks in this town without stumbling across a homeless person with a handout. Perhaps I ought to try to get a job in the Bronson & Heron/Walkley government building wasteland. That way I wouldn't have to see any of the less fortunate on my daily ramblings and could pocket all that change (at least the coins I don't use to buy stuff a la Scrim).

    All you change-savers are so smug (I wouldn't be "Grumpy Guy" if I wasn't grumpy, would I?).

  7. You know, Grumpy Guy, I feel I should point out that it is easy to project feelings like smugness into blog comments when the writer is feeling no such emotion.

    JuliaR with her tale of burglaries doesn't seem smug.

    But others with their talk of coming up with $700 or trips to the West Coast from their pocket change...

  8. I'm not sure, Phil, "So how does that rate on the smug-o-meter?" might actually qualify as meta-smug.

    Anyway, I wouldn't be able to follow your advice. Frankly, now that Dave T's change bins are gone, I don't know where I'll scrounge change when I need a few extra dollars to order a pizza. He was also usually good for a loonie or two in the couch cushions.

  9. What a great idea for the loose change Dave!! Thanks



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