Friday, February 03, 2006

Happy Fish or Cut Bait Day

I hope you're all successfully navigating the hidden shoals and sandbars of the waters of February 3rd. [If you're in a relationship and don't know about Fish or Cut Bait Day, you might want to read this.]
My day is off to a good start. I just read a heart-warming law case {Hallmark Financel Insurance Brokers Ltd. v. Fraser & Beatty and McNairn (1990) 1 O.R. (3d) 641 Ontario Court (General Division)} in which a client sued a lawyer because the lawyer misunderstood an instruction and cost the client $62,000 on the purchase of a business. The judge said that the lawyer, McNairn, had done nothing wrong because his interpretation of the instruction was reasonable and the client had plenty of opportunity to catch and correct the mistake.
So, commenters, what's your favourite way to start a break-up conversation? "We need to talk"?


  1. Well, I always copped out and just used the "We need to talk" line. Maybe I prefaced it with some hemming and hawing and "I've been thinking...", and maybe even made a point of being a little distant for a couple of days beforehand, just so he wouldn't think everything was going swimmingly (and it also mostly avoided those awkard situations where I'd be saying "We need to talk" at the exact same moment he was producing from behind his back a dozen roses or an engagement ring).

    But now that I know about Fish or Cut Bait Day, I guess I could just send him a card...

  2. Gee, everyone is so pragmatic, statistically speaking.

    If I was seeing someone right now and tiring of the thing, I might wait until the end of Febrruary. That way I'd be sure to have someone to go skating with on the canal, which is always more fun with a friend.

  3. You could always say "Let's just be skating buddies" and then cement your new friendship over a beavertail.

  4. I think my standard (after a few years of lava dating) became, "This isn't working for me."

    It sounds harsh now that I've got some distance from that phase of my life but at the time it made a whole heckuva lotta sense.

  5. Accidental Altruist, "This isn't working for me" is a good one. And thank you for the dumpling offer. You know what I found in the back of the freezer last night? 14 Dumplings.

    Working on Happy, I appreciate your compliments. But please don't feel that you have to agree with my friends. There's always room for diversity of opinion.
