Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Does Rogers Yahoo! Suck?

I'm a Rogers Hi-Speed user. Here are their recent good points:
  • I cannot remember the last time I had a service interuption;
  • As part of the Rogers/Yahoo alignment we're all losing our Yahoo Photos accounts, but to make up for this, all our photos are to be transferred to Flickr Pro accounts and a Flickr Pro account is a wonderful thing worth actual cash money; and
  • They say our speed is increasing at no extra cost.

On the other hand, on my Rogers Yahoo! Home Page it recently said we're all being switched over to a new format. I was invited to switch early to get a jump on things. Why not? I thought, I'm not working. Big mistake.

The new version is awful. After a week of hating it, I just spent 3 hours trying to either get it to not be awful or switch back. Finally, buried in the comments to a posting on Yahoo's suggestion forum I found out where to go.

If you are a Rogers or Yahoo customer and regret switching your home page or "My Yahoo" to the new version, go to: http:\\\switchback .

1 comment:

  1. Phew, there's no place like my OLD rogers home. Hated the new one too, David, thank you for the tip. I've now moved back.

    Why would they think posting an ad in prime real estate constitutes an improvement?
    It's like ads at the movies... I'm already paying, let me see what I came for!
    And I hated all those forced links in the left-hand column.


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