Monday, October 01, 2007

Kathy Cook's Stolen Angels out soon!

I am happy to report that Kathy Cook's new book Stolen Angels: The Kidnapped Girls of Uganda will soon be in bookstores. I have two selfish reasons to be happy about this. The first is that Kathy may now have more time for hanging out with her friends. (Although I suppose there is an equally likely chance that her newfound fame will give her even less time for us.) The second is that a long, long time ago, Kathy let me read the draft of a chapter. My hair stands up on end when I think about what it described.

After the girls were kidnapped from their boarding school by soldiers of the Lords Resistance Army, a nun and one of the school workers followed the trail into the bush in order to confront the soldiers and bring the girls back.

The soldiers of the LRA are not known for their compliance with the Geneva conventions. I cannot imagine what sort of nerve following them must have taken. I really want to know what else happened.

There will be a formal book launch at the Writer's Festival on Sunday, October 21 at 4pm. I've put details on Google Calendar.


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