Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Lightbulb Drying

Here is a useful tip.

When you rinse out your emptied burned-out lightbulbs it is helpful to have a drying rack.

If, like me, you do not have such a rack, just take chopsticks you've been saving from Asian takeout and stick them into slots in your salad spinner.


  1. Remind me again why I am saving and gutting burned-out light bulbs.

  2. Why would one to rinse out one's burned-out lightbulbs, preytell? (sp?)

  3. So you can dry them in a dry them in a funky way???

  4. GG and Sally,

    Saving: Because there are many things you can do with emptied lightbulbs. I wouldn't want to limit your creativity, but making bud vases would be one example.

    Gutting: Because there are fewer things you can do with a non-emptied lightbulb

    Rinsing: Because the inside of the lightbulbs is usually coated with a white dust.

  5. Like a bed of nails, one could have a bed of bulbs...

  6. Exactly, one could have a bed of bulbs. Myself, I've only got enough bulbs for a cushion.


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