Monday, November 26, 2007

A Great Moment in Advertising

I heard a radio ad on Magic 100 this morning that went something like this [I am not making this up]:

As the holiday season advances, we will all eventually be overcome with a strong feeling that material things do not matter.

Before this happens to you, head on down to the storewide sale at the Bay!

I went online to see if this message has made it into any of the Bay's other advertising material. It doesn't seem that it has, so I have taken it upon myself to put together a little artwork for them. [From this and this.]


  1. Didn't I meet those three monks at your Halloween party?

  2. ohhhhm! Brilliant!

  3. Them radio ad copy writers are a force of nature... uh, something, anyway.

  4. lol, you clever bean, you.


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