Saturday, May 10, 2008

Ball and Chain at the Elmdale a week ago

The first Saturday in May was another fun, fun Ball and Chain gig at the Elmdale. I sat next to Charline, the young luthier from France who fixed Michael's cracked fiddle. Based on how good it sounds, she did a great job.

I decided to sketch Jody because I sketched Michael a long time ago and still hadn't drawn Jody.

My drawings of Jody weren't quite working out. My first one, I held the pen too tight and got the hat and chin all wrong. On the second one, I was looser, but Charline thought I wasn't there yet. She pointed out that I hadn't got the scoop of the neckline deep enough and she didn't see the earring. I had to admit that I'd made Jody look a lot like Guy Smiley, America's favourite game show host. But still my oppositional defiance disorder kicked in, I didn't want to draw the way someone else wanted.

So I gave Charline a blank index card and my spare pen. She wound up taking a second card and doing both Michael and Jody. It figures that someone who can take pieces of wood and create something that can make you cry when played well can also do lovely whimsical drawings with a pen that's not even meant for drawing.

Jody: Aske me what's the difference between a fiddle and a violin? Dave: I thought there was no difference. Jody: There is, ask me. Dave: What's the difference between a fiddle and a violin? Jody: About five beers.

Jody and I agree that something we love about the Ball and Chain gigs at the Elmdale is that it is fantastic to see couples in their 70s on the same dance floor as couples in their 20s.

Their next Elmdale gig will be June 7.



  1. Hmmmm. The next Ball and Chain is on the same date as our 28th wedding anniversary. . .


  2. Good picture of Jody in her trademark boots and hat. Great job on the dress too.

  3. David!
    I really like your drawings!

  4. Bah. Missed it again. Maybe the July or August.


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