Monday, May 26, 2008

Garage Sale - Free Things

Ottawa woman on bicycle with inflatable tulipEvery year there is more and more free stuff at the GGGS. Typically placed in boxes by the sidewalk with "free" written on a flap. Some people with items for sale will have a free box, others who are selling nothing will leave a box out while they go about their day.

It worked out that the first stop we made on Saturday morning was at a driveway on Powell where the owners had put out a box labelled "free". Unlike most others who do this, these owners were right there, sitting in their driveway watching people go by.

"This is all free?" I had to ask because the box was loaded with cool things. I decided I couldn't take it all because I didn't want the owners to think I am greedy, so I took a little device that records up to 30 seconds of audio and then plays it back, a mirror with a pretty star frame, and a shiny inflatable tulip. I didn't know what I would do with the tulip, but felt it would come in handy somehow.

Friendly Gleboisie giving a bag to woman with deflating tulipI was just about to open the valve to deflate the tulip when I noticed that a woman on a bicycle had stopped. I held up the tulip. "Can you believe they are giving this away?"

"I know," she said, "I was admiring it myself."

Hmm, I thought, maybe I could sell it to her. "What would you do with it?" I asked.

"It would make a nice souvenir for a visitor to Ottawa," she said. "She's ten years old and going home tomorrow."

I handed her the tulip. "Your need is greater than mine."

The owners got a good laugh out of all this. And to demonstrate to you how open-spirited they were, they brought the woman a plastic bag to put the tulip in.

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