Thursday, May 22, 2008

My Speech at the Propeller Dance Launch

Receiving the Plaque from Trillium: Keith de Cruz of the Ontario Trillium Foundation presents a plaque to David (as Propeller Dance pres.) while the Honourable Madeleine Meilleur, MInister of Community and Social Services and Senator Jim "Big Jim" Munson look on. Photo: M. Blouin

I had to give a speech yesterday. It was the Propeller Dance Launch. We wanted to acknowledge the large grant the Ontario Trillium Foundation gave us and to show all our supporters what we've been up to in the year since we became an independent organization.

For a change, I actually wrote down what I was going to say in advance. It worked much better than having three bullet points. But even so, I left out a sentence. Fortunately, I was also the MC and I just said the sentence the next time I had the microphone and nobody knew the difference.

Here is how my speech started:

Hello, my name is David Scrimshaw. They have asked me to MC this event because I am the president of of Propeller Dance. But I’m not just the president, I’m also a student in the Monday Night class. I am in the class because Propeller Dance is open to everyone....

I've put more details about the Launch on the Propeller Dance blog.


  1. i heard about the funding on CBC radio yesterday. Congrats!

  2. There was a picture and story in the Ottawa Citizen, also a mention on the CJOH news. Good for you and everyone at Propeller Dance.


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