Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Drexel's Favourite Chair

Drexel resting on comfy chair

Drexel quickly chose the chair at the top of the stairs to the second floor to be her main hangout. I think because it gives her a good overview of the house and what is going on. The unfortunate thing is that she would like me to hang out there skritching her but there just isn't enough for me to do there. I've rigged a cosy spot next to my desk, but she hasn't taken to it. Yet.


  1. ah, the plot thickens... who will win this contest of wills? the evil genius, or the cat? I'm betting on the cat.

  2. Or will a third challenger rise?

  3. Now that’s some damn edgy kitty blogging. I can definitely see how Drexel’s going to soar to blogosphere super-stardom with material like – “quickly chose the chair at the top of the stairs” . It gives me goosebumps it does. Look out Duncan!!

  4. Jen and Keir: We shall see.

    Xup: You neglected to put < sarc > and < /sarc > tags on your posts. I concede that it's not going to be my writing that makes Drexel famous, it will be Drexel herself. As for edgy, can you honestly look at her face and tell me she's not edgy?

  5. jdkfq pde dfioae';ewar

  6. Oh ya, she's absolutely edgy - the face, the phantom leg, the Halloween coat. On looks alone, she'd be a star tomorrow.

  7. To the person who commented on Drexel having a Halloween coat - you are correct. She is the colour of black licorice and pumpkin.


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