Sunday, January 12, 2014

Frosty the Cheeseman

I am proud to announce that I have created my first Instructable. It is my attempt to tell others how they too can make a tasty melting cheese treat that starts out looking like a snowman. While my version has innovations that others may not have tried, I am far from the original inventor of the melting cheese snowman.

Original Version: Charles Phoenix's Test Kitchen.

Instructable: Frosty the Cheeseman


  1. Jennifer Nicol1/13/2014 10:57 am

    Hey David, what is the device in which Frosty is melting? Fondue pot? Electric wok-type thing? It looks useful.

  2. Hi Jennifer,

    Frosty is sitting in what I would call a shallow fondue pan.

    The pan sits on a stylish rack that can hold a can of jellied alcohol.

    Unfortunately the jellied alcohol we bought would not stay lit. So the melting was started on the stove and then I put the pan on the heat plate for a small crockpot.

    I found the pan and rack at Value Village. I'd date its creation to sometime in the 70s.

  3. David, This is hilarious! Have you seen the book, Great Balls of Cheese? Lots more fun ways to play with cheese! Hope all is well with you in Ottawa!

  4. ah, the 70s! - Jennifer


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