Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Mysterious graffiti

Some graffiti artist put a big tag on the wall behind Harvey's on Bronson.

Another graffiti artist, with perhaps less artistic style, but clearer penmanship, asks a question that I share.

What does it say? My best guess, using the graffiti font at fontspace is "PES GESH".

Anyone have a better guess?

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Preston Pizza solves a mystery

A couple of months ago, a new business opened at 125 Preston Street, right across from the Plant Recreation Centre. You could tell that it was open because it had a neon "OPEN" sign lit in the window. But it didn't tell you what it was open for.

When I leave the Plant Recreation Centre, I am often in the mood for something to eat. But I felt too shy to go in and ask if maybe they were open for selling food.

Now the mystery is solved. They are selling food. They put up signs sometime last week. Preston Pizza is open for "Slices * Wings * Poutine" and according to their online menu, much more. And next door, there is a bubble tea shop. Wings and bubble tea after a swim. This may be the beginning of a beautiful patronage.

Saturday, June 09, 2012

Bunny with Banana

Did you know that rabbits eat bananas? I spotted this rabbit at College Square next to the Loblaws. My presence six feet away with a camera did not interfere with the dining experience until after I'd taken six shots and decided to step closer.

I'm sorry I didn't get there early enough to see how he peeled it.