New Must-See TV - Junk Brothers
Since I started school I've been actively trying not to get hooked on new TV shows. My old shows all got cancelled (Buffy, Angel, Voyager, NYPD Blue) so you'd think I'd not be watching TV. But along came This is Wonderland, a fun show about Canadian criminal law. I had to watch it for my education. Then I had a four-day break and got hooked on CSI reruns. A week-long illness and Trading Spaces, Clean Sweep, While You're Out and the Debbie Travis shows stuck their tentacles into me.
And now there's a show that appears to have been designed specifically for me:

Junk Brothers
Two guys who live here in Ottawa drive around on garbage night. They find big items at the curbside, take them away, totally transform and trick them out and then return them to the original owners.
In the first episode they turned a dresser into a butcher block kitchen island and a stove into a monster barbecue.
My possibly premature comments based on only having seen one episode:
- Steve and Jim Kelley are the biggest hoser brothers to hit the screen since Bob and Doug. I mean this in the most affectionate way. They must have said "check it out" a dozen times each.
- They complimented each others work to a point that got irritating.
- Their aesthetic seems to differ from mine in that they appear to be free to purchase fairly pricey add-ons to their creations, e.g. monster wheels and decals for the barbecue.
- Their creations are things of beauty.
- They could go into more detail about some of the things they do, but they've only got a half-hour, so I won't take away points.
- I wonder if the peope who get these things returned to them appreciate them. Does anybody have a connection to these guys? Maybe I could leave one of the couches outside and they could turn it into something I could actually use. (Have I mentioned that there are now four couches at the ScrimChateau if you only count the sectional as one couch?)
Today they'll be turning an old bicycle into a ceiling fan. Clearly I have no choice but to watch and learn.
Junk Brothers HGTVC Apr 09 8:00pm, 11:00pm ch. 49 in Ottawa Series/Home/Garden, 30 Mins. "The Desk and the Bike" Episode #1002. An art deco desk is transformed into bedside tables; an old bike is transformed into a ceiling fan.
I need to get cable.
I had no idea they were Canadian, much less from Ottawa! I wish you hadn't told me that. Yes, I have cable.
Did you see episode two?
I'm wondering if I should send them an email and say "stop talking about how much the people are going to love what you're doing!" Either show us that they love it, or be open to the possibility that they'll think it's weird and not what they want in their house.
I mean, I'd love any of the things they made, but I wouldn't have thrown out any of the items they've recreated.
I haven't seen any of the shows - I understand one is on Thursday so that would be my first. I try to avoid getting sucked into watching new shows but sometimes, I don't succeed (see "Project Runway" - I watched the last 5 or 6 episodes). I always feel I am watching too much tv.
Does anyone know if this show will continue for another season?
I think it's being cancelled as it has not attracted many viewers.
I think you might be right about the lack of viewers.
I turn it on to see what they've made, but I find them too annoying to watch a whole episode.
I wonder when we will find out?
Junk Brothers is actually getting huge numbers - I'm from Ottawa and I know that they are doing shooting new shows already. That and they are so big that the series is apparently slated to start airing in the US on July 12th. So I guess a lot of people find the projects and the brothers fun to watch! I love it ande can't wait to see what they do next!
Where did you get this information? Interesting. But just because you are from Ottawa does not mean you have insight! Good for them though, but how do you know? I have not seen anything about this show anywhere - no advertising endorsements etc. etc. Surely a huge hit would have huge spin-off (i.e Holmes on Homes). Strange, Interesting but strange.
So no need to believe me that this show stinks, check out the following HGTV message board. It stinks!
They certainly don't seem to have many fans posting on the forums.
I caught a bit last night where one of them was turning an old guitar into a cd player and exclaiming over how awesome it was.
I kept thinking: who uses cd players anymore? Why not put an 8-track player in there?
Any bets on if it gets renewed? I don't think so.
They are being cancelled, evidently in Canada and the US it is a huge flop and an embarrassmsnet. The only reason they went on the US is because the rights to the show were part of the Canadian Deal. So in other words it was free. But this can hardly be a surprise. Ever notice on their write up they talk about having opened their own store in Ottawa, yet I challenge anyone to find it "Kelley's Antiques and Restoration" It does not exist!
I was wondering, anonymous commenter, if you have any sources you could provide for your comments. I don't like hosting facts I can't verify.
Although, like you I could not find "Kelley's Antiques and Restoration" anywhere.
I did find Kelly's Mastectomy Boutique but that's Kelly with just the "y" not the "ey".
And, of course, not a business I should make jokes about.
OK you got me, I cannot verify the fact that the show is an embarrassment to the networks but I do find the show personally embarrassing. Another individual stated the show was getting huge numbers without posting facts, and I marvel that if the show was so successful then why no endorsments? WHy no furniture store? I think these guys are going to go down in flames.
You're right, I should have challenged the "huge numbers" person too.
As an Ottawa resident, I understand your point about the embarrassment. I'd be more comfortable if they said they were from Arnprior or even Kanata.
When they go "wow, dude, they are totally gonna flip when they get their old credenza back as a juke box" (not an actual quote, but similar), I think: what if they were trying to free up space, they don't like juke boxes and it doesn't match their decoration scheme? Will it just wind up back on the curb again?
Think they will make i through to another season?
I love their show.. they do amazing and beautiful work. Not to mention, they crack me up!! And, Morph is too cool! C
Anonymous, you are confusing me. One minute you love the show, the next you hate it.
Sorry, this is a different Anonymous :)
I think this other anonymous has been sniffing too many fumes, or only gets one TV channel!
By the way, the last comments were fact. Watch as this does come to light. Their flame will burn out.
I see our favourite deadbeats did not make the cut for the fall schedule. Quel Surprise. See the following link:
Man i watched the show and its pretty awsome. One of my buddies actually recieved one of their conversions(episode:two talbes. he got the car extravaganza 1) its pretty awsome and he didnt even know he was on the show till i told him. shows started airing in January and apparently more to come
The Junk Brothers are hot and cute, especially the blonde guy. They are good at what they do and it's entertaining. I predict they'll be around for a long time.
The comment above was deleted because it was an anonymous and gratuitous insult.
whoa Dave!
how the heck did such a flurry of anonymous comments appear on your blog?
I'm not sure. I had been hoping that my postings on legal cases would get this sort of back and forth, but no, it's the Junk
Brothers that incite all the comments.
WHy delete the last comment. If I said he had brown hair would that kind of observation be allowed? This is censorship.
Yes, I censor my blog.
This is not a place where anonymous writers are permitted to insult people.
So where does a statement of fact become an insult? Can you please provide your definition so we all know what you will and will not allow.
Wow, it's like a whole little sub-blog in this Junk Brothers post!
Zoom, it's true. And apparently, this business of insults and censorship is something that seems to come up on lots of blogs.
As for a definition of "insult", I'm pretty comfortable with any definition you'll find in the dictionary. Wikipedia has a nice article on the topic.
I also like what the Blogger's Code of Conduct is saying about comment deletion today:
"As the blog owner is responsible for what appears on the blog, the blog owner has sole discretion for determining whether a particular comment is unacceptable."
And this comes at the expense of expression of fact?
It might.
But I probably wouldn't delete a politely expressed factual statement that could be verified or whose authorship I could verify.
An anonumous statement therefore cannot be factual? It is the year 2007. By virtue of this being anonymous, does it delete the validity of the fact expressed therein? Please and Thank you.
This isn't about validity. It's about an unknown person using my blog to insult someone.
Well they start to air a third season this summer.... say what you will...
(non evil anonymous :)
I guess they are the TV equivalent of Sanjaya Malakar.
Isn't Sanjaya Malakar the TV equivalent of Sanjaya Malakar?
I thought he was more music based. But I dare not say more for fear of ruthless censorship.
I don't watch American Idol, but I gathered from the talk shows that I do watch that the criticism of Sanjaya was that he more hair-based than music-based.
FWIW... I love the show! Just started watching recently and have been hooked. Talked to a couple of buddies and they also just started watching.
Pretty sure one of the guys Jim- works on the contractors desk at Home Depot Baseline in ottawa.
I saw my first and last episode of Junk Brothers this past weekend. The items they picked up - an old bedroom vanity table and a bike - were then transformed into hideous objects I woulnd't consider putting in my home. They created night stands by cutting the vanity table in half and adding a square of granite to the top along with a backboard into which they had inserted adjustable bed lamps. They were so ugly I don't think even the cheapest motels would want them. And the ceiling fan they made out of the bicycle - I can't imagine the home where that wouldn't look grossly out of place. They didn't really capture the reaction of the owners to whom these objects were returned, but the brothers seemed certain their creations would be welcomed - think again!
I really thought this was a tongue-in-cheek reality show to see how gullible audiences truly are.
Imagine that, they're still airing the show somewhere.
delivers the latest breaking intelligence and advice on the latest high point stories, unwell, obligation, fun, statecraft, and more. In return in-depth coverage
Sept. 2016 and it's now showing on Global on a Saturday. Some things never die. ;-)
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