Tarot's New Card - The Ten of Pencils
I have friends who believe in various types of magic. I try to keep my lack of belief in irrational superstitions from interfering with these friendships1. I figure if others will be nonjudgmental about my religious beliefs, I will do my best to be nonjudgmental about theirs.
My friend R is big on personality and life analysis through Astrology (both Zodiac and Chinese Year), Eneagrams, Meyers-Briggs and Tarot. She told me once that her totem card is the Ten of Swords. The Ten of Swords typically has a picture of a man on the ground with ten swords sticking out of his back.
You'd figure this is not a good card to have as your totem, but these magic systems always have a dark side and a bright side2.
The dark side of the ten of cards is the fairly obvious: "Holy cow3, you've got ten swords in your back! You are seriously messed up!" and the somewhat less obvious: "But come on, ten swords? Isn't that over doing it? Wouldn't one sword have been enough to kill you? Nobody likes a martyr you know."
The bright side? "Hey, there's nowhere to go but up! Things are going to improve! "
I've been trying to come up with a way to give R something that would remind her that better days are on their way. My first brainstorm was a ten of swords knifeblock. But when I tested that idea with a focus group I was told it was too creepy.
Here you have my solution - the Ten of Swords pencil holder:
- Pencil Crayons from Big Buds: $1
- Little Doll from the Buck or Two: $2
- Piece of scrap wood
- Photoshopped background image colour printed and glued to wood
- 2 pushpins
- Some old linen scraps
Post Script: R received her pencil holder early this week. At first she thought it was a voodoo doll, but I'd included a handy card with photo describing its true function. She likes it:
Thank you for the lovely gift! And when I pull a card on my birthday this year, I'm willing to bet it won't be the 10 of swords but something happy like the 3 of cups.4
- A more "official" description of the ten of swords;
- the 3 of cups;
- image for base; and
- a word doc with card if you make one of these for someone.
1 Phrases like "irrational superstition", "ludicrous nonsense", and "complete bullcrap" turn out to be counter-productive to this goal, but sometimes, you have to be honest about what you're thinking, right?
2 Like if you were born in the Chinese Year of the Rat, you'd figure that would be all bad, but no: "Clever and quick-witted, the Rat of the Chinese Zodiac is utterly disarming to boot". Of course, it's not all good: "Behind that sweet smile, though, Rats are keen and unapologetic promoters of their own agendas" [cite]
3 My apologies to those of you whose religious superstitions make phrases like "holy cow" offensive.
4 "The Three of Cups can stand for a mood or experience that makes you feel like dancing and singing."
as if there is not one single comment about this brilliant invention! i assume you can change the pencil crayons to regular pencils and pens? but i suppose you wouldn't want to inadvertently only leave 9 writing instruments in that back.... who knows what that might mean.
Thank you most sincerely! I was beginning to wonder at the complete absence of accolades on the ten of pencils.
I had been thinking that R could replace the coloured pencils with pens or makers.
But I hadn't considered whether there would be implications from having only 9 sticking out of the doll while one is being used.
This is the danger when an uneducated person like me starts messing around with unknown areas of magic.
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