Friday, March 29, 2024

Preparing for Stick Library season

With the upcoming reopening of the Lebreton-Louisa Stick Library, the Stick Librarian was concerned that the branch's stacks were getting low.

Unfortunately for some neighbours, but fortunately for the library patrons, a recent windstorm brought down an old tree and the librarian was able to source replacements that just needed a little work this morning with a pair of loppers and an electric saw.

The urban lumberjack using the loppers to trim the branches
The library assistant/retired urban lumberjack lopping a branch

The urban lumberjack using his electric saw to chop a branch
Sawing a branch

The stick librarian sweeping up after making renewing her stacks of sticks
The Stick Librarian is happy the stacks are ready for a new borrowing season

   Before: a pile of tree branches; After: 3 neat stacks of sticks


Anonymous said...

I adore libraries.

Susan said...

And of course she filed them neatly by category 😉😁