Sunday, September 30, 2012

Astronaut Love Triangle performing Sat. Oct. 13

Space punk from your favourite performance art collective in Ottawa's coolest new intimate venue.

Joined by the fabulous:

Sat, October 13, 8pm – 11pm

35 Laurel Street, Ottawa (Le Michel-Ange Café) map

$9 at the door

Monday, September 03, 2012

Questions about the BBQ Lighter 6-pack Bargain

$7 for 6 BBQ lighters
Last night while on my way to the checkout at the Westboro Superstore, I spotted this excellent price for a 6-pack of barbecue lighters - $7.

I almost bought the package, but then it occurred to me, I don't have a barbecue. I could use one to light the fireplace, but I already have hundreds of matches and a really nice Zippo.

That's when the questions came to my mind.

Who would need six barbecue lighters?

Are people buying them in bulk to add to gifts?

What sort of gifts are they being added to? Candles? Is there some new cultural or counter-cultural thing going on that I don't know about?

Any illumination on this issue would be appreciated.