Why I shouldn't listen to naysayers
I'm starting to think I should ignore the comments from Kathy and Dave about being kooky.
For one thing, so far only two people thought the post about my globe was kooky. It's an anonymous poll, so it might not have been them, but I'm entitled to my suspicions.
Another reason is illustrated by my unexpected shopping experience today. I went to the market for lunch today. Before I went, I thought I might go to the Giant Tiger to pick up a hooded sweatshirt and perhaps a couple of t-shirts. I decided that I wouldn't need a backback, because my one side basket should hold everything I'd want to buy. How was I to know that they'd have wide-brimmed maple leaf hats for $0.99 each.
Next summer, it is guaranteed that the Maple Leaf Brass Band will be playing outside in the sun. Probably at the Teddy Bear's picnic. I could have got just one of these hats for myself. But others would be jealous. Go big or go home, Kathy would say. So I bought 31 hats. Enough for everyone in the band.
But that meant I had to look like a bag lady on a bike on my ride home. I could easily have smushed them all into the bucket pannier, but no, I don't clip it to the bike normally, because it would look kooky.
[Link: The original bucket pannier posting]
Dave, at your age it's no longer kooky, it's called eccentric
Proms concert hats ... woo hoo
Stewart, I know! They're going to be great. And I got us some flags too!
Brother Steve, are you sure "eccentric" kicks in already? I thought I had five or ten years. I'd been enjoying "kooky". It's much better than the child and teen years where it was "weird".
This web reader also thinks you are somewhat eccentric, said with love of course.
You know, in a year or two some prospective employer will be googling me.
They'll see this and say: "Oh, look, even his mom thinks he's eccentric. This casts a whole new light on that employer reference letter that said 'his sense of humour was appreciated'".
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