Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Lending the chainsaw

A few weeks ago, my coworker Lori mentioned her husband had some wood to cut, but didn't have a chainsaw. I quickly offered to let him borrow my mine. I use the chainsaw to cut up the firewood I scrounge in the neighbourhood, but could easily spare the saw for a few weeks and I'm always happy to help out another modern lumberjack.

So, I put the chainsaw in my car and drove it in to work. It's a light chainsaw, so I could have brought it into the building to give to Lori, but we figured it would be better to do the transfer in the parking lot. We had a feeling that it would make the front desk security guards uncomfortable to have someone walk past them with a chainsaw. Like there probably isn't a specific rule against chainsaws in the building, but they'd feel they should do something about it.

I mentioned that the blade could be lubricated. "They have dedicated chainsaw oil, but I just use a heavy motor oil or bicycle chain oil, whatever's around," I told her.

Gord had the chainsaw for a couple of weeks and then he returned it. I don't know much about Gord, but I can tell you he is the kind of guy who returns things in better shape than he borrows them.

Here is the returned chainsaw.

Notice the wood attached to the blade? With nice heavy screw knobs? He made a guard for the blade! Cut a piece of wood to a perfect shape, drilled some holes and attached those really nice knobs. And, he threw in a jug of proper chainsaw oil!

I'm trying to think of what else I can lend Gord.

Monday, October 19, 2015

Feeding the Chickadees

 Yesterday, Manon and I met my dad at the Upper Canada Migratory Bird Sanctuary down near Morrisburg. We arrived in time for the 2:30 p.m. feeding of the Canada Geese. It is fun to see thousands of geese feeding at the same time. The feedings continue until the end of October, so you can still go.

But the really cool thing was when we took a walk on the boardwalk trail through the wetlands.

We were swarmed by little black-capped chickadees. It's like they knew that Manon and I had supported them in the campaign to name them Ottawa's unofficial bird.

It seems people are allowed to feed the birds. (There are no signs saying you can't and nothing about it on the website.) We passed several groups of people offering bird seed to the chickadees.

Then we came to a group that was offering black sunflower seeds. And a man with them offered us seeds so we could try it.

These tiny little birds were landing right on our hands and taking the seeds. The birds are so light you can barely feel them.

The very kind man with the seeds explained that he thinks the black sunflower seeds work particularly well because they contrasts well with skin colour and the birds can see them better.

His friend was also able to tell us that the other birds with a blueish colour that that were around but a bit more shy than the chickadees were nuthatches.