Sunday, August 27, 2006

My Other Blog - the Maple Leaf Brass Band

Teddy Bear: Murray

In my ongoing efforts to make myself indispensable to the Maple Leaf Brass Band because they could replace me on second horn in a minute, I also maintain the band's blog.

I put up announcements about upcoming performances and then write a few comments and post any images or video we have from the gigs.

If you've attended any of our performances, we'd love it if you clicked on "comments" and gave us some feedback about what you liked, what you'd like more of, even what you'd like less of (unless you'd like less tenor horn).

We'd also love it if you send us any photos or videos that we can post on the blog or link to from it.

p.s. Do you remember when I bought those hats? and then found a clear suitcase for them? Aren't they magnificent?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I LOVE that photo.